How to Manage Your Stress for a Good Work/Life Balance?

July 25th, 2018

For women is over the age of 40, the ability to balance work and personal life can sometimes be a daunting task. This is a period in time when your table is filled with a basketful of responsibilities. These include career, raising a family and sometimes the care of elderly parents. Any of this is possible and combined, it can be quite stressful. Achieving a wholesome work-life balance, it is important to manage your life in such a way that your professional and your personal life are given equal priorities. This means exercising level of flexibility in your working life that allows you to make changes to accommodate and take care of life’s unexpected challenges without hassle, anxiety, and burnout.

Here is a list of ways to maintain quality work-life balance:

1. Time Management Techniques
Ability to plan and track your activities and the time it takes to achieve each of them is helpful. This includes keeping a database of everything you do on a daily basis both workwise, and personal stuff. This works as an eye opener as to where you need to place your time and energy more without undue pressure.

2. Decide on Your Greatest Priorities
Take enough time to reflect on what really matters to you. For instance, you can do this by making a list of the most important things about your work and your home. Once you have this list, it can guide you to leading questions and answers on what you need to start and stop doing, where you could be going wrong, and how you can do things more differently to avoid stressful situations.

3. Set Specific and Measurable And Goals
From your list of priorities, you are able to set goals and achievable targets. You could do this by coming up with a firm schedule. This plan of activities can be arranged to show the most, to the less important. Sticking to the plan also makes all the difference.

4. Set Limits and Establish Boundaries
Setting for your self-limits that are not only fair but realistic as well, on what you will do, and not do while at work and home is the key to have stress-free work and home life. Once up have done this, talk this out and let the people you are in contact with both at home and work know. By communicating your needs clearly, you will relieve yourself and other of unnecessary expectations that would otherwise make your uncomfortable.


5. Indulge in Leisure Activities
Make time for yourself and for your own renewal. Have at least 30 minutes each day to focus on yourself, and indulge in some kind of pleasure; this helps to relieve you from any form of lingering tension, and it is also a form of stress management. Recent studies have revealed playing online casinos could help people to get rid of stress. Luckily there are many great online casinos and women tend to play more and more. Why don’t you give it a try? Luxury Casino for instance seems to be the preferred online casino thanks to its great offer and games. For more information, simply checkĀ

6. Learn to Delegate
When possible, delegation helps not only you but the people you work with as well. You do not have to shoulder everything when the team has the capacity, knowledge, and skills to carry out some of the tasks. Motivation levels also increase when your team knows that you can entrust them to work some tasks
without worry.

A work-life balance is indeed achievable. However, it calls for deliberately organized interventions. Critical in these is knowing how much you matter by taking care of yourself first. Moments of relaxation away from all else will not hurt but instead will improve your overall productivity. Setting boundaries also helps in your being able to take care of both work and personal life in equal measure without overwhelming pressure from one side.